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Driving the evolution of carbon sequestration on the gulf coast

Gulf Coast Sequestration (GCS) will build and operate a world-scale carbon sequestration hub, partnering with industrial customers to capture CO₂ and safely contain it underground. Our hub will enable these customers to achieve their sustainability and environmental goals.

Responsible Pioneers

Location, location, location

Located in Southwest Louisiana between the Sabine River and Lake Charles, GCS owns both the surface and subsurface rights for large, contiguous landholdings. We are situated within close proximity to one of the nation’s busiest industrial corridors, including some of the largest refiners and manufacturers. Our location makes safe transport proximal and our well-studied, high-quality pore space is ideally suited to safely store CO₂.

Doing the right thing

GCS is a forward-thinking company, committed to full compliance with federal and state regulations. We will “do it right” for our neighbors, communities and the environment. Because for generations the GCS acreage has been home to a working cattle ranch. We intend to keep it that way. Our project will safely coexist with the area’s farmland and wetlands.

The Gulf Coast Sequestration hub will deliver:


$700 million in earnings for US workers $1 billion in Gross State Product.

$700 million

$700 million in earnings for US workers $1 billion in Gross State Product.

1,000 local workers

During construction, our hubs will support 1,000 local workers. When fully operational it will support 375 workers.

6,500 jobs

6,500 jobs will become decarbonized (of the 51,000 workers within 100 miles of the hub). These jobs will be sustained through the energy transition.

6,500 jobs

6,500 jobs will become decarbonized (of the 51,000 workers within 100 miles of the hub). These jobs will be sustained through the energy transition.

300 million tons

Our sequestration hubs will abate climate change damage by $11.3 billion by sequestering 300 million tons of CO₂.